Source code for winregrc.filters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The Windows Registry key and value filters."""

import abc

[docs] class BaseWindowsRegistryKeyFilter(object): """Windows Registry key filter interface.""" # Note that redundant-returns-doc is broken for pylint 1.7.x # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc @property def key_paths(self): """List of key paths defined by the filter.""" return []
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Match(self, registry_key): """Determines if a Windows Registry key matches the filter. Args: registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): a Windows Registry key. Returns: bool: True if a match, False otherwise. """
[docs] class WindowsRegistryKeyPathFilter(BaseWindowsRegistryKeyFilter): """Windows Registry key path filter.""" _CONTROL_SET_PREFIX = ( 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet') # This list must be ordered with most specific matches first. _WOW64_PREFIXES = [ 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Classes', 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Classes', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software']
[docs] def __init__(self, key_path): """Initializes a Windows Registry key filter. Args: key_path (str): key path. """ super(WindowsRegistryKeyPathFilter, self).__init__() key_path.rstrip('\\') self._key_path = key_path key_path = key_path.upper() self._key_path_upper = key_path self._wow64_key_path = None self._wow64_key_path_upper = None if key_path.startswith(self._CONTROL_SET_PREFIX.upper()): self._key_path_prefix, _, self._key_path_suffix = key_path.partition( 'CurrentControlSet'.upper()) else: self._key_path_prefix = None self._key_path_suffix = None # Handle WoW64 Windows Registry key redirection. # Also see: # # ms724072%28v=vs.85%29.aspx # # aa384253(v=vs.85).aspx wow64_prefix = None for key_path_prefix in self._WOW64_PREFIXES: if key_path.startswith(key_path_prefix.upper()): wow64_prefix = key_path_prefix break if wow64_prefix: key_path_suffix = self._key_path[len(wow64_prefix):] if key_path_suffix.startswith('\\'): key_path_suffix = key_path_suffix[1:] self._wow64_key_path = '\\'.join([ wow64_prefix, 'Wow6432Node', key_path_suffix]) self._wow64_key_path_upper = self._wow64_key_path.upper()
@property def key_paths(self): """Retrieves the key paths defined by the filter. Returns: list[str]: key paths defined by the filter. """ if self._wow64_key_path: return [self._key_path, self._wow64_key_path] return [self._key_path]
[docs] def Match(self, registry_key): """Determines if a Windows Registry key matches the filter. Args: registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): a Windows Registry key. Returns: bool: True if a match, False otherwise. """ key_path = registry_key.path.upper() if self._key_path_prefix and self._key_path_suffix: if (key_path.startswith(self._key_path_prefix) and key_path.endswith(self._key_path_suffix)): key_path_segment = key_path[ len(self._key_path_prefix):-len(self._key_path_suffix)] if key_path_segment.startswith('ControlSet'.upper()): try: control_set = int(key_path_segment[10:], 10) except ValueError: control_set = None # TODO: check if control_set is in bounds. return control_set is not None return key_path in (self._key_path_upper, self._wow64_key_path_upper)
[docs] class WindowsRegistryKeyPathPrefixFilter(BaseWindowsRegistryKeyFilter): """Windows Registry key path prefix filter."""
[docs] def __init__(self, key_path_prefix): """Initializes a Windows Registry key filter. Args: key_path_prefix (str): key path prefix. """ super(WindowsRegistryKeyPathPrefixFilter, self).__init__() self._key_path_prefix = key_path_prefix
[docs] def Match(self, registry_key): """Determines if a Windows Registry key matches the filter. Args: registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): a Windows Registry key. Returns: bool: True if a match, False otherwise. """ return registry_key.path.startsswith(self._key_path_prefix)
[docs] class WindowsRegistryKeyPathSuffixFilter(BaseWindowsRegistryKeyFilter): """Windows Registry key path suffix filter."""
[docs] def __init__(self, key_path_suffix): """Initializes a Windows Registry key filter. Args: key_path_suffix (str): key path suffix. """ super(WindowsRegistryKeyPathSuffixFilter, self).__init__() self._key_path_suffix = key_path_suffix
[docs] def Match(self, registry_key): """Determines if a Windows Registry key matches the filter. Args: registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): a Windows Registry key. Returns: bool: True if a match, False otherwise. """ return registry_key.path.endswith(self._key_path_suffix)
[docs] class WindowsRegistryKeyWithValuesFilter(BaseWindowsRegistryKeyFilter): """Windows Registry key with values filter.""" _EMPTY_SET = frozenset()
[docs] def __init__(self, value_names): """Initializes a Windows Registry key filter. Args: value_names (list[str]): value names that should be present in the key. """ super(WindowsRegistryKeyWithValuesFilter, self).__init__() self._value_names = frozenset(value_names)
[docs] def Match(self, registry_key): """Determines if a Windows Registry key matches the filter. Args: registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): a Windows Registry key. Returns: bool: True if a match, False otherwise. """ value_names = frozenset([ for registry_value in registry_key.GetValues()]) return self._value_names.issubset(value_names)