
TODO this page currently contains rough notes, fine tune these

The CCleaner application uses the following Windows Registry key to store its configuration.



Name Data type Description
(App)Program Name REG_SZ
AutoClose Automatically close program after cleaning, where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
BackupDir Default path for the Issues Registry back up
BackupPrompt Prompts user to back up the contents of the Issues Registry before removing them, where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
BrowserMonitoring Whether automatic browser cleaning is active (CCleaner Professional), where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
CookiesToSave REG_SZ Lists of cookies to preserve
DefaultDetailedView Show detailed view screen (for the whole analysis or cleaning) after the operation finishes, where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
DelayTemp Delete temporary (Windows) files older than 48 hours, where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
FFDetailed Display a detailed log of Firefox/Mozilla temporary files, where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
HideWarnings Hide warnings when advanced items is selected in the cleaning options tree, where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
HomeScreen Starts on Health Check or Custom Clean, where 0 = Custom Clean and 1 = Health Check
IEDetailed Display a detailed log of Internet Explorer temporary files, where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
Language Language, contains a locale identifier (LCID).
MinimizeSystemTray Minimize program to system tray on close, where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
Monitoring Have Smart Cleaning, where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
MSG_CONFIRMCLEAN Ask for confirmation before starting the Cleaning operation, where the value can be "True" or "False"
MSG_WARNCHROMECACHE Warn when cleaning the Internet Cache in Google Chrome, where the value can be "True" or "False"
MSG_WARNMOZCACHE Warn when cleaning the Internet Cache in Mozilla Firefox, where the value can be "True" or "False"
RunICS No longer used, will automatically be set to 0
SecureDeleteMethod Secure deletion method, where 0 = Simple Overwrite (1 pass), 1 = DOD 5220.22-M (3 passes), 2 = NSA (7 passes) or 3 = Gutmann (35 passes)
SecureDeleteType Use a secure deletion method, where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
SystemMonitoring Activate System Smart Cleaning (or Active Monitoring for CCleaner Professional), where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
SystemMonitoringSavingsAction System Smart Cleaning (or Active Monitoring for CCleaner Professional) mode, where 3 = "prompt to clean", 4 = "auto clean with notification" and 5 = "auto clean without notification"
UpdateBackgroundCheck Check for software updates every 10 minutes (after program start), where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled
UpdateKey REG_SZ The last update check date and time formatted as: "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss [A
WINDOW_HEIGHT REG_SZ Window height dimension in number of pixels.
WINDOW_LEFT REG_SZ Window left position in number of pixels.
WINDOW_MAX REG_SZ Windows is maximized, where 0 = not maximized
WINDOW_TOP REG_SZ Window top position in number of pixels.
WINDOW_WIDTH REG_SZ Window width dimension in number of pixels.
WipeMFTFreeSpace Wipe free space in the NTFS Master File Table (MFT), where 0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled

(App)Program Name

These entries indicate programs that are not part of the default set of enabled Cleaning Rules, and whether they should be cleaned.

Note: Making an entry of “App(Your Program)]=true” will not allow CCleaner to clean it, as you would instead need to use the methods listed here.

True = Checkbox selected when you start CCleaner. False = Checkbox cleared when you start CCleaner.

Known Cleaning Rules:

  • (App)Cookies, contains “True” if the cookies should be cleaned;

  • (App)Delete Index.dat files

  • (App)History

  • (App)Last Download Location

  • (App)Other Explorer MRUs

  • (App)Recent Documents

  • (App)Recently Typed URLs

  • (App)Run (in Start Menu)

  • (App)Temporary Internet Files

  • (App)Thumbnail Cache

IncludeX (e.g. Include1, Include2)

Custom files or folders that should be included in cleaning


ExcludeX (e.g. Exclude1, Exclude2)

Custom files or folders that should be excluded from cleaning.


FinderIncludeX (e.g. FinderInclude1, FinderInclude2)

Drives or folders CCleaner to use when searching for duplicate files.



Whether the checkboxes have been checked or unchecked for folders referenced by FinderIncludeX.

0 = Cleared 1 = Selected

For example, if there are three FinderIncludeX statements, you can specify the checked/cleared status using the pipe symbol:

FinderIncludeStates=1|0|1 would check the first and last items, and the middle one would be unchecked.