Component object model (COM) class identifiers (CLSIDs)

The component object model (COM) class Identifier (CLSID) key can be found in:


Sub keys:

Name Description
AuxUserType Application's short display name and names
CLSID Class identifiers
Control ActiveX Control settings
Conversion Convert dialog box format conversion settings
DataFormats Data formats supported by an application
DefaultIcon Default icon settings
Implemented Categories
InprocServer 16-bit in-process server settings
InProcServer32 32-bit (and 64-bit) in-process server settings
Insertable Insert Object dialog box list box settings
Interface Supported interface IDs (IIDs)
LocalServer32 32-bit local server application settings
MiscStatus Settings how to create and display the object
Verb Application verbs

MSDN defines DefaultIcon as a REG_SZ value but in Windows XP it seems to be a key where the icon resource identifier is stored in the default value of the key.


Name Data type Description
AppID REG_SZ Associated application identifier
Contains a string in the form: "{GUID}"
AutoConvertTo REG_SZ Automatic conversion class identifier
AutoTreatAs REG_SZ Automatically treat as (emulation) class identifier
InprocHandler REG_SZ 16-bit custom in-process handler
InprocHandler32 REG_SZ 32-bit custom in-process handler
LocalServer REG_SZ 16-bit local server application
ProgID REG_SZ Associated program identifier
Contains a string in the form: "Program.Component"
ToolBoxBitmap32 REG_SZ Toolbar or toolbox button bitmap
Contains a resource identifier
TreatAs REG_SZ Identifier of class that can emulate the current class
Version REG_SZ version number
VersionIndependentProgID REG_SZ Version independent associated program identifier

Type libraries key

The type libraries (typelib or tlb) key can be found in:


Sub keys:

Name Description
%GUID% Type library identifier

Type library identifier subkey

Sub keys:

Name Description
%VERSION% Type library version in the format: "major.minor"


Name Data type Description
(Default) REG_SZ Type library description

Type library version subkey

Sub keys:

Name Description
%LCID% Locale identifier such as: "409", where "0" is the system default language (LANG_SYSTEM_DEFAULT).

TODO: Determine what MSDN means with the LCID may have a neutral sublanguage ID. Is 0 the neutral sublanguage ID?

Type library locale subkey

Sub keys:

Name Description
%PLATFORM% Platform identifier such as: "win32"
Type library platform subkey


Name Data type Description
(Default) REG_SZ Path to the type library file.
This can be a stand-alone .tlb file or the "typelib" resource inside a PE/COFF file.

Type library help directory subkey


Name Data type Description
(Default) REG_SZ Path of the directory where the Help file for type library is located