Time zones

Time zone information key

The time zone information is stored in the following key:



Name Data type Description
ActiveTimeBias REG_DWORD The active time bias, in minutes, as configured for the time zone accounting for daylight saving. This is the bias that was used to configure the CMOS clock.
Bias REG_DWORD The current bias, in minutes, for local time translation on this computer.
DaylightBias REG_DWORD The bias value, in minutes, to be used during local time translations that occur during daylight saving time.
DaylightName REG_SZ A description for daylight saving time.
DaylightStart REG_BINARY The date and local time when the transition from standard time to daylight saving time occurs on this operating system.
Contains a SYSTEMTIME structure.
DynamicDaylightTimeDisabled REG_DWORD Indicates whether dynamic daylight saving time is disabled.
0 indicates automatic adjustment
1 indicates automatic adjustment is disabled
RealTimeIsUniversal REG_DWORD Indicates if the CMOS clock is configured by using the local date/time (default) or UTC.
0 indicates that the CMOS clock is configured for local date/time
1 indicates that the CMOS clock is configured by using UTC
StandardBias REG_DWORD The bias value, in minutes, to be used during local time translations that occur during standard time.
StandardName REG_SZ A description for standard time.
StandardStart REG_BINARY The date and local time when the transition from daylight saving time to standard time occurs on this operating system.
Contains a SYSTEMTIME structure.
TimeZoneKeyName REG_SZ The name of the Time Zones name sub key.


  • the relation between the local time and bias is as following:

UTC = local time + bias
  • the names are stored outside the Windows Registry and are references using MUI Form for example:

  • the TimeZoneKeyName is not always present

  • The RealTimeIsUniversal value is not installed in the system by default and is not officially supported by Windows

The values in this key corresponds with the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION and DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structures.

Time Zones key

The time zones definitions are stored in the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones

Sub keys:

Name Description

%TIMEZONENAME% represents the name of the Windows name of the time zone. The Unicode organization maintains windowsZones.xml to map the Windows names to corresponding IANA names.


Name Data type Description

Time Zones %TIMEZONENAME% sub key

Sub keys:

Name Description
Dynamic DST Contains the dynamic daylight saving time values

Note that not every Time Zones name sub key contains a Dynamic Daylight Saving Time sub key (Dynamic DST).


Name Data type Description
Display REG_SZ The display name
Dlt REG_SZ The description for daylight time
MUI_Display REG_SZ The display name in MUI Form
MUI_Dlt REG_SZ The description for daylight time in MUI Form
MUI_Std REG_SZ The description for standard time in MUI Form
Std REG_SZ The description for standard time
TZI REG_BINARY Time zone information
Contains a Registry Time Zone information structure

Dynamic Daylight Saving Time sub key

The Dynamic Daylight Saving Time sub key contains time zone information for time zones that apply different daylight saving per year.


Name Data type Description
FirstEntry REG_DWORD The first year in the key
LastEntry REG_DWORD The last year in the key
%YEAR% REG_BINARY Time zone information
Contains a Registry Time Zone information structure

Where %YEAR% represents the year the dynamic daylight saving time zone information applies to, e.g. 2006.

Data Structures

SYSTEMTIME structure

The SYSTEMTIME structure is 16 bytes of size and consists of:

Offset Size Value Description
0 2 Year
2 2 Month
Where 1 represents January
4 2 Day of week
Where 0 represents Sunday
6 2 Day of month
Where 1 represents the first day
8 2 Hour
Where hour ranges from 0 to 23
10 2 Minutes
Where minutes ranges from 0 to 59
12 2 Seconds
Where seconds ranges from 0 to 59
14 2 Milli seconds
Where milli seconds ranges from 0 to 999

Registry Time Zone information structure

The Registry Time Zone information (TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION or _REG_TZI_FORMAT) structure is 44 bytes of size and consists of:

Offset Size Value Description
0 4 Bias
Contains the difference between UTC and local time, in minutes
4 4 StandardBias
Contains the difference between UTC and local time, in minutes, or 0 if not set
8 4 DaylightBias
Contains the difference between standard and daylight savings time, in minutes
The total difference is: Bias + DaylightBias
12 16 StandardDate
Date and time when the daylight savings time switches to standard time, in local time
Contains a SYSTEMTIME structure with year set to 0
28 16 DaylightDate
Date and time when the standard time switches to daylight savings time, in local time
Contains a SYSTEMTIME structure with year set to 0

The wDayOfWeek member of a SYSTEMTIME structure represents the appropriate weekday, and the wDay member represents the occurrence of the day of the week within the month, where 5 indicates the final occurrence during the month if that day of the week only occurs 4 times in the month.

If the wYear member is 0, the date is relative, meaning the daylight savings occurs yearly. Otherwise the date is abosule, meaning daylight savings only changes once.

Note that DaylightBias can be set when DaylightDate is not set.